Ardkeen Business Park,
Outer Ring Road,
Waterford X91YHH0

Carrigeen Business Park,
Co.Tipperary E91 PK38


Front of Jigsaw Nursery

Jigsaw Day Nursery is registered with both Tusla and Early Childhood Ireland and complies with the Child Care Act 1991/Regulations 2016. We strictly abide by ratios and even exceed the recommended staff: children ratios in most of our room. Jigsaw operates an open door policy to both the parents of the children attending the nursery and to all relevant regulatory and inspection bodies.

Jigsaw Day Nursery is a family run service, in operation since 2000. We have services in Waterford and Clonmel. Jigsaw has a strong reputation for delivering a top quality service and we strive for excellence. Inclusion and equal opportunities are paramount at Jigsaw.

Our services offer the following options:

  • Full and part time day care for children aged from 12 months to 12 years in Waterford, and from 6 months to 5 years in Clonmel.
  • Term time Pre-school classes.
  • After-School Club (Waterford only).
  • Summer camps (Waterford only).

We offer a play based emergent curriculum that is age appropriate and based on the children’s interests.

Jigsaw will...

  • Aim to meet the needs of all children in our care in accordance with their stage of development and to provide opportunities for every child to explore their identity and to build on their self-esteem. Promote positive images of people of both sexes and all ethnic groups, with or without disabilities.

  • Encourage every family to feel part of the Nursery, respecting and accommodating cultural needs and requests wherever possible and cater for any special dietary needs.

  • Recognise that all people are special, but that some have more special needs. Where possible we will try to accommodate children and adults with special needs and provide them with positive self-images.

  • Select books, toys and other equipment with equal opportunities in mind, providing a non-stereotypical environment, promoting positive role models and reflecting different cultures, religions and traditions.

  • Apply this policy to the advertising of jobs, recruitment and appointment to them, training, conditions of work, pay and to every other aspect of employment. Staff will be recruited on the basis of their qualifications and abilities, regardless of age, sex or ethnicity.

    Fees & Holiday Arrangements:

  • 1 week's deposit is required once a space is confirmed to you by Jigsaw, this is returned once a child has taken up their space at Jigsaw and is registered on the HIVE (for NCS or ECCE). Fees will be paid monthly in advance by standing order directly into the nursery’s bank account. Fees are payable on the basis that the nursery operates 51 weeks a year. It is at the parent(s) own discretion to take their child out of the nursery for holidays etc.